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Legend (Cadastral/Cadastral_3857)

Taxparcel (24)
Condominium Condominium
Gap Gap
Overlap Overlap
Single Taxkey Single Taxkey
<all other values> <all other values>
Taxparcel Boundary (25)
ParcelLine ParcelLine
ExtParcelLine ExtParcelLine
ROW (26)
Right of Way Right of Way
Railway Railway
Carto Line (27)
Extended Tie Line, Hook, or PT Extended Tie Line, Hook, or PT
Dimension, Identification, or Note Arrow Dimension, Identification, or Note Arrow
TieLine TieLine
Easement Easement
MeanderLine MeanderLine
CivilDivision CivilDivision
Subdivision (28)
Current Current
Old Old
Condo (29)
Current Current
Old Old
CSM (30)
Current Current
Old Old
Water (31)
Water Water
Carto Line Labels (41)
CivilDivision CivilDivision
Easement Easement
Note Note
<all other values> <all other values>
Condo Labels (42)
CondoName CondoName
CondoPhase CondoPhase
Note Note
<all other values> <all other values>
CSM Labels (43)
CSMNumber CSMNumber
RoadResDimension RoadResDimension
<all other values> <all other values>
ROW Labels (44)
Note Note
ROWDimension ROWDimension
ROWNamePark ROWNamePark
Radius Radius
RailwayName RailwayName
<all other values> <all other values>
Subdivision Labels (45)
Note Note
SubBlkNumber SubBlkNumber
SubLotNumber SubLotNumber
SubName SubName
<all other values> <all other values>
Parcel Dimension Labels (46)
Note Note
ParcelDimension ParcelDimension
<all other values> <all other values>
Parcel Taxkey Labels (47)
Note Note
ParcelKey ParcelKey
<all other values> <all other values>
Parcel Points (23)